Due to Covid we have suspended until further notice.
atTAcK addiction partners with Delaware State Troop 2, New Castle Paramedics and the Christiana Fire Company to presents the Reality Tour®. The tour is a drug awareness and prevention program that takes you into the life experiences of a teen addicted to drugs. It’s an experience that will create a lasting impact on all who attend. This is intended for youth ages 10 to 18. Registrants MUST attend with their parent or legal guardian. Please do not bring your child’s friend — they will not be able to attend without their own parent.
When: Monthly, 6:15 pm – 8:30 pm Where: Delaware State Police Troop 2, 100 Lagrange Ave, Newark 19702 (across from Glasgow Park on Rt. 40). Details: Free – Registration is REQUIRED
The Reality Tour is a drug awareness and prevention program developed by nonprofit CANDLE, Inc., that takes you into the life experiences of a teen addicted to drugs. It’s an experience that will create a lasting impact on all who attend. Some sections of the Reality Tour may be emotionally charged and parental guidance is a must.
Reality Tour is a community-based drug prevention system designed as a single event to engage parents. Often held in the evening or weekend so parents WILL attend. Our system puts parent and child on the same page. The Reality Tour includes:
Dramatic scenes that depict the life of a teen on drugs.
Local information pertaining to drug and alcohol use in New Castle County
Questions and answers with people in recovery and law enforcement officials.
A great way for adults to start the conversation with youth about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use!
Reality Tour Three Minute Introduction Join our Acting Team Part of the program involves young “actors”. No experience needed, but commitment is important. As our young actors grow and move on, we can always use more actors!